The twins recently filmed scenes for the upcoming movie "Counting Teeth" which is scheduled to be released in April of 2009. The girls worked under the direction of Noah Grant-Levine, the film's writer and director and Russell Jozwiak, the film's producer.
The film's setting is Eastern Europe in the 19th Century and the identical twin sisters are cast as little peasant girls.
The girls really enjoyed playing their roles in the movie scenes and working with the camerman and supporting film crew.
Kirstie and Kaitie were excited to meet some fellow actors and enjoyed roasting apples by the campfire between sets. Noah, the film's writer and director sent a nice note to Mom and Dad stating "The kids were great. I see a bright future in acting for both of them."
UPDATE: May - 2009
Below are some photos from the film's screening which was attended by the twins in Philadelphia, PA.